Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9 September 2009 - All packed, departing to Umzumbe

Ida and Sofia will spent the next 7 days at Child Welfare South Africa - Umzumbe. They will be staying with Mama Gertrude Lushaba, an active management committee member, a volunteer and community leader. She is also a Twinning member, been to Sweden and actively involved in the Global School Journey Programme.

Accomodation opposite the beach but a rural coomunity. They seemed  comfortable. They were introduced to the organisation , the staff and have assisted with administrative work. They made many observations and  asked relevant questions regrading child protection services and their work placement.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday Visit by Members of Twinning - 6 September 2009

Judy, Tilana and I have visited  Dudu. Ida and Sofia. Mzi was also visiting with some of his friends. It was good to see that the Ida and Sofia were relaxed and interacting with members of the community. They are already at home in SA. Dudu and Mzi had taken them to the waterfall, they  also visited a sangoma . We  were informed of their exhausting adventure, the day before.
It is important for Twinning to support, engage and empower Twinning members. To understand the needs and extend a helping hand is a twinning mission. Uniting us as South Africans is a priority on our agenda. With the high rate of unemployment, poverty and HIV/Aids,communities have to find creative ways of sustainability. Dudu and Mzi have developed a tourist route. This must be supported ,  it might be  first steps to greater economic empowerment in this area.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

4 to 7 September 2009

The students  were orientated about CWSA service delivery model.. Exposed to twinning by attending twinning meetings ( Time Travel and Global Supplement planning)  They have been  exhausted since their arrival and in bed by 8.30 pm. Their day yesterday included a 15 minute break. In between they grabbed FICA.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Ida and Sofie are both final year social work students at Kalmer University. They were motivated to undertake their final year internship programme in Port Shepstone after having met Lynne , Christa and the two groundbreakers in Oskarhsman this May.Child Welfare South Africa within this context met the university requirement
Communication between the students and the university in preparation for the internship continued over two months. Tormod was involved in their orientation. They also read the various twinning blogs and CWSA website in preparing for this life changing journey. Permission was granted by CWSA- Provincial Office.
They were welcomed by Pauline and myself at Durban International Airport on 1 September 2009. We departed directly to Ekubusisweni where the students were exposed to the South African realities of a deep rural community. They met the management and staff, visited Mrs Mkize's home, where they were offered lunch. Once the students felt reasonably comfortable, arrangements were made with Mrs Mkhize, a retired school principal and Treasurer of CWSA- Ekubusisweni to accommodate them during their week long placement. This was to ensure that they feltl confident being left alone in a deep rural community.