Ida and Sofie are both final year social work students at Kalmer University. They were motivated to undertake their final year internship programme in Port Shepstone after having met Lynne , Christa and the two groundbreakers in Oskarhsman this May.Child Welfare South Africa within this context met the university requirement

They were welcomed by Pauline and myself at Durban International Airport on 1 September 2009. We departed directly to Ekubusisweni where the students were exposed to the South African realities of a deep rural community. They met the management and staff, visited Mrs Mkize's home, where they were offered lunch. Once the students felt reasonably comfortable, arrangements were made with Mrs Mkhize, a retired school principal and Treasurer of CWSA- Ekubusisweni to accommodate them during their week long placement. This was to ensure that they feltl confident being left alone in a deep rural community.
As part of their exposure, they will spend the weekend starting on Friday to Monday at Nyanaduzulu. Here too, our old twinning members, Dudu and Mzi will be with them.
They will be orientated on CWSA role function and services offered by member organisations. our focus being: child protection, women empowerment, rural development and other welfare issues. Placement organisations will include CWSA- Umzumbe , Ekubusisweni and Umzinto. A detailed programme will be developed in consultation with them in order to meet their internship requirements. If time permit, other ngos will be included in their practical work schedule.
Twinning members are welcomed to socialise with Ida and Sofia.
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